Graphic Design Degrees in Idaho

Individuals interested in graphic design careers can find a high degree of choice among Graphic Design Degrees in Idaho. Degree program choices in Idaho include both two- and four-year programs. Most schools are regionally accredited academically but some programs are accredited only for business application rather than in academics. The bottom line is that a student in Idaho has many choices available locally. At least one of the programs listed below is available fully online so students even can live elsewhere. All of the following programs focus on serving students in specific ways and meeting the needs of several types of students of any age or background.

Boise State University

College of Arts and Sciences

Boise State University is a public research university located in Idaho’s capital city. Its total student population of 22,000 makes Boise State University the largest university in the state based on student enrollment. Boise State University became an independent institution in 1934, two years after its founding by the Episcopal church. It has been a full university conferring degrees at all levels since 1965. U.S. News and World Report ranks Boise State University at number 21 among best public schools, number 65 in regional (west) universities, number 18 among best schools for veterans and number 153 in fine arts across the entire country.

B.F.A. in Graphic Design

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design offered at Boise State University is a residential program that consists of 120 credit hours, most of which focus on some aspect of the art, technology and photography that are so necessary for building a strong foundation in graphic design. Marketers and other large scale communicators always have had to use attractive materials but graphic design carries greater responsibility now than in the past as society in general continues to shift to increasing visual orientation. Boise State’s BFA in Graphic Design teaches students that design must be related to meaning and that effective design strives to both convey and create meaning. Graduates are prepared to enter the graphic design field or continue to higher level degrees.

1910 University Drive
Boise, ID 83725
(208) 426-1230

North Idaho College

North Idaho College was founded during the Great Depression as Coeur d’Alene Junior College, taking its name from the city in which it is located. It soon changed its name to North Idaho Junior College and became North Idaho College in 1971. It is a community college that confers associate degrees and offers two-year programs. The school regards many of its programs as transfer programs and designs them to be transferrable to other institutions offering four-year degrees. North Idaho College is regionally accredited as a community college through the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).

Graphic Design – Associate

North Idaho College describes this program as both a transfer program and an occupational program. The transfer designation means that students can transfer credits to a four year program if they choose. The occupational description means that graduates are ready for entry level jobs in graphic design. Students become acquainted with packaging and print advertising as well as with a variety of electronic applications. The program includes training in web design as well but primarily from the perspective of appearance and electronic tools such as computer animation, digital video and various Adobe programs that are standard industry tools. The program also introduces students to Internet fundamentals, typography, digital illustration and the Apple operating system. A separate web design program goes further into the technology of Internet languages and machine capabilities.

1000 W Garden Avenue
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814
(208) 769-3300

Northwest Nazarene University

College of Arts and Sciences

Founded in 1913, Northwest Nazarene University is a private, Christian university affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. It gained accreditation as a four year institution in 1937 to become the first regionally accredited school of the eight higher learning institutions throughout the country overseen by the Church of the Nazarene. With fewer than 2,000 students, Northwest Nazarene University is a small school that maintains small classes. It has been accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) since 1930. U.S. News and World Report ranks Northwest Nazarene University at number 39 among its best regional universities in the West.

Bachelor of Arts, Computer Graphic Design

Northwest Nazarene University strives to maintain a balance between art and practicality in its graphic design program. Many other schools focus nearly exclusively on the technological, Internet-enabled aspect of graphic design. Northwest Nazarene University also gives much attention to that aspect of graphic design because of its importance in today’s environment. The university still requires that students be knowledgeable in print-based design, art history and the theoretical basis of visual design, however. The university’s aim is to produce graduates prepared to enter the field of graphic design as professionals who have broad understanding of how graphic design has evolved over time. Students study historical, cultural and socio-political forces that color the work they will do in the future. Many graduates have found employment with top design firms or in industry. Others have chosen to remain independent and to work as illustrators, designers, web application developers and in similar capacities.

623 S University Blvd.
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 467-8409

The schools and programs listed here reveal the great diversity of graphic design training and education available in Idaho. As demand for competent graphic designers continues to grow along with the kinds of applications available, students have broad choices among Graphic Design Degrees in Idaho.

For information on earning your graphic design degree online, please see  Top 10 Online Graphic Design Degree Programs.