Computer Graphic Design Degrees

Computer Graphic Design Degrees

Individuals who are interested in pursing a career in the graphic arts field commonly consider computer graphic design degrees. These degree programs are ideal for those who have a natural talent for art and have computer know-how. The programs typically feature education in an array of artistic techniques as well as graphic design technology. Students learn about design layouts, illustration, and business practices related to the design field.

The coursework may include drawing, design theory, typography, web design, drafting, advertising design, digital photography, and interactive design methods. Some degree programs feature a combination of computer graphic design with other fields such as interactive media. Students obtain technical abilities to use many different types of technology, including graphic design software, sound machines, cameras, and printers. They also gain additional skills, such as an eye for detail, analytical abilities, and creativity. Most programs require students to create a professional portfolio to demonstrate their abilities to prospective employers. Some programs require senior projects and practical learning experiences.

Computer graphic design degrees prepare students for careers in a wide variety of fields, including animation, visual marketing, and advertising. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree commonly pursue careers that deal with creating visual media, like websites, logos, advertisements, and even movies.

How To Find The Top Computer Graphic Design Degrees

Students who are looking for the best computer graphic design degrees should consider certain criteria to find a program that best meets their needs. The primary factor to look at is if a school is accredited or not. Accreditation shows that an institution has meet specific standards to offer high quality postsecondary education. For the computer graphic design field, students may also want to consider schools that offer programs accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. The ranking of a college or university is also helpful in finding top programs, and many publications rank institutions based on numerous aspects like retention rate and financial aid resources. Additional things students may want to look at include tuition and fees, financial aid, class size, and academic resources.

Related Resource: Top 10 Online Graphic Design Degree Programs

Careers and Salaries For Individuals With Computer Graphic Design Degrees

There is a wide range of computer graphic design careers for graduates with this credential. Examples of potential careers include computer artists, graphic designers, and publication designers. A computer artist uses many different types of graphics, multimedia, and web designs to generate interactive images, web pages, and other projects. A graphic designer uses many different techniques to design and develop both print and electronic media, like magazines, logos, and graphics for television. A publications designer focuses on the publication of magazines or related periodicals, and he or she uses specialized skills to successfully create the design and layout of the publication.

While computer graphic design salary varies on many different aspects, like location, education, employer, and benefits, the average yearly pay for computer artists is $36,000; graphic designer $58,000; and publications designer $50,000. In addition, computer graphic design degrees prepare individuals for careers in an array of different fields and subfields.