Southern New Hampshire University


Graphic Design Degrees at SNHU

Southern New Hampshire University appears in our ranking of the Top 13 Best Affordable Graphic Design Degree Programs.

Students interested in graphic design through Southern New Hampshire University have multiple options to pursue. Students may seek graphic design degrees at all levels, including an associate of arts, bachelor of arts, bachelor of science or master of science.

Associate degrees offered in graphic design at Southern New Hampshire University include an AA in Digital Photography or an AA in Information Technologies. These degrees allow students to obtain a basic understanding of technology and design components. A student seeking an associate degree in one of these areas may take classes like Basic Design and Color Theory and Fundamentals of Information Technology.

Graduate degrees offered through Southern New Hampshire University include MS in Information Technology or an MS in Information Technology with a focus on web design.

Undergraduate students have more specialized fields available to them. They can pursue an undergraduate degree in graphic design and media arts with a specialty in 3D modeling and animation, web design or no specialized field. Students may also wish to pursue a degree in information technology or computer science while focusing on minoring in graphic design.

The majority of students interested in graphic design will begin with a focus on these undergraduate degrees. Courses specific to that degree include Graphics and Layout in Print Media, Digital Photography, Digital Graphic Design for the Web and Typography. Students will also be expected to take general undergraduate courses in order to have well-rounded knowledge.

Southern New Hampshire University accepts up to 90 hours in transfer credits. Therefore, students who began their studies at other institutions can often transfer their general education credits while they focus their attention on graphic design.

Students may attend Southern New Hampshire University on campus by living in the residence halls. They may also choose to attend Southern New Hampshire University online, where they learn through classes taught by adjunct instructors.

About Southern New Hampshire University

Southern New Hampshire University is a private university that was established in 1932. The university, located in Manchester and Hookset, has an open-enrollment policy, which has allowed it to become one of the fastest-growing universities in the nation. The school has almost 4,000 students on campus, but nearly 90,000 enrolled in its online university.

On campus, students can join honors societies, Greek life and a number of athletics. Sports offered at Southern New Hampshire University include baseball, basketball, cross country, golf, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, field hockey, softball, volleyball, cheerleading, and track and field.

Southern New Hampshire University Accreditation Details

Southern New Hampshire University is accredited through the New England Commission of Higher Education. This is a regional accrediting institution that accredits all of the university’s degree programs. Southern New Hampshire University also has accreditation in specialized areas like Hospitality Administration, Health Informatics and Information Management and Nursing Education. Southern New Hampshire University is also accredited to provide degrees for teacher education certification in the state of New Hampshire.

Southern New Hampshire University Application Requirements

Students who wish to pursue a degree on campus at Southern New Hampshire University may complete the common application online. Students must provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher or school counselor. They must also provide high school transcripts or proof of GED. College entrance test scores are not required for admission to Southern New Hampshire University. The school does expect applicants to have completed four years of English, three or more years of math, two years of science and two years of social science.

Southern New Hampshire University online has an open enrollment policy. Students only need to have a high school education or GED in order to be accepted at the school. In order to complete an application, students must provide contact information through the university’s online portal or call the toll free number to speak to a representative. Students do need to complete information about themselves in order to enroll, but this is only for record-keeping purposes.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Most traditional, undergraduate students can expect a tuition cost of about $30,000 per year. Students must additionally pay for books and other fees, which is an additional $8,000. Should a student choose to live on campus, the cost of housing would bring the entire cost of education to over $50,000 per year, assuming no scholarships or other financial aid packages have been awarded.

Southern New Hampshire University does offer scholarship packages that are need and merit-based. As with all schools, the university recommends that students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid in order to determine financial need and any federal grants.

Students attending Southern New Hampshire University through the online campus can expect to pay about half of the cost of attending school in person. The overall cost of a full year of tuition, including books, supplies and personal expenses, is estimated to be about $24,000.

Learn more about the graphic design degree options by visiting the Southern New Hampshire University website.