What is jQuery?

what is jquery

If you have an interest in web development, you will want to know about JQuery. This JavaScript library is packed with useful features that allow end users to perform a number of HTML related tasks across various platforms in a simple, user-friendly way. This free open-source software has become immensely popular and is in use on millions of websites around the world. Keep reading to discover more about the features and practical uses of the program.

Software Overview

The software assists developers in a number of ways. Through its use it is possible to create animations, navigate documents, handle events, develop AJAX applications and select DOM (Document Object Mode) elements within a document. Its platform is a necessary foundation in running many of the most powerful online tools used in the creation of complex websites. Such tools include plug-ins, widgets and abstractions that are used in different types of interactions required for animation and other such end products. Its core features have influenced the development of other types of Javascript frameworks that are in use today such as Dojo, YUI v3 and Selectors API.

Practical Uses

Some practical ways in which the program is to allow users to find elements on a page more easily. It also promotes the separation of Javascript and HTML, simplifying tasks by eliminating unnecessary coding. Using JQuery also makes it easier for you to create methods, events and elements for re-use in plugins, ending redundancy. Shorthand function names and chainable functions within the program make web development more clear and concise. Perhaps its most convenient and time-saving function is that it is easily read across browsers. When browsers incompatibilities are eliminated, the frustration of tweaking Javascript is no longer an issue.

Prominent Features

The features of the software are what make it appealing and so widely appreciated by developers and end-users alike. The DOM element selections allow for quick detection of whatever site element you need. A simple command allows you to find all h1 tags or similar element. There are also feature detection utilities that similar can locate one specific feature of a site for isolation. CSS selectors let you use element names or functions, like ID or class, to single out DOM selection modes. The inclusion of Ajax is what gives clients the ability to manipulate content without knowing complex programming language like Javascript. Processing that is asynchronous can occur through the program’s integration of Deferred and Promise objects. JSON parsing is also possible through the functionality of the program. Creation of more complex plugins is made possible with this innovative software. One final example the ability for its Javascript library to be understood not only among multiple newer web browsers, but also by older ones. You never have to worry about redoing complicated jobs to meet the needs of each available browser.

As you can see, the development of this free software has had a tremendous impact on coders, developers and users throughout the world. It will likely continue to be useful as internet technology evolves.

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