5 Great Web Development Podcasts

web development podcasts

  • The Web Ahead
  • 99% Invisible
  • Let’s Make Mistakes
  • Developing Perspective
  • Creative Coding

When you have some downtime at home or on your commute, listening to one of these five great web development podcasts keeps you in touch with your colleagues. These podcasts serve as a type of professional development. They may expand your horizons and help you focus your way of thinking about what you do and how you do it.

The Web Ahead

Learn about emerging technologies in the The Web Ahead podcast. This podcast focuses on topics such as responsive design and how to make the most of the mobile environment. Many of the sessions include tips on coding in HTML 5 and how different browser updates may change the way that you program websites. You could also learn about website animations, cross-platform technology and consumer expectations. This podcast is hosted by Jen Simmons, and its episodes have been downloaded more than 2 million times.

99% Invisible

When you only have 15 to 20 minutes to spare, give 99% Invisible a bit of your time. The 99% Invisible podcast delves into topics such as the benefits of using graphs and animations on your website. It bills itself as a general design podcast, which opens it up to a wide variety of topics. If you are looking for general web development advice, topics and inspiration, this podcast is a good choice. This podcast’s name refers to the fact that 99 percent of what you do on a website is what makes it run smoothly, and 1 percent of what you is the obvious design that the visitor sees.

Let’s Make Mistakes

One benefit of listening to these five great web development podcasts is the opportunity for professional development. A commitment to self-improvement could help you advance in your career as a web developer. The Let’s Make Mistakes helps you learn how to recognize your mistakes and learn from them. The ability to learn from your errors is a clear path to doing better in your job as a web developer.

Developing Perspective

If most of what you do is in iOS, then the Developing Perspective is an ideal choice for your listening time. This podcast focuses on developing for the iOS mobile environment. This is an important consideration because a majority of consumers use smartphones for their internet browsing and searches. Desktops are no longer as popular because of efficient and fun devices such as the iPhone. When you need to know more about developing sites with features and functions that are optimized for the iOS mobile environment, listen to this podcast. Each episode is about 15 minutes in duration.

Creative Coding

Many coders get stuck in a rut. If you can relate to this, the Creative Coding podcast may be the inspiration that you need in order to get unstuck from your current way of programming. This web development podcast is hosted by a web developer and a gaming app developer. They bring a novel approach to the way of developing websites. A lot of game theory comes into the episodes. The hosts discuss novel ways of accomplishing mundane tasks. They also bring in guests who have created some of the most popular apps in the iOS and Android environments. These Creative Coding podcast sessions are 20 to 30 minutes long.


Each of these five great web development podcasts offers a unique perspective of the industry and the people who work in it. Whether you are looking to learn something new or to be entertained, give at least one of these podcasts a go. You might find that you receive some new inspiration or motivation to try something new on your next project.

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