How Does a Graphic Designer Get a Job in Branding?

graphic design branding

If you’re looking to get into the field of branding with a graphic design degree, there are a number of things you should know. Branding requires more than just someone who is a good designer with a flair for the artistic. In addition to talent and creativity, you’ll need to have an understanding of business principles and strategy. In addition, a drive to succeed and a strong personality will take you far. Follow these tips to increase your chances of breaking into branding.

Obtain Varied Agency Experience

Breaking into a career in branding will require that you have some inside knowledge ahead of time. Design agencies differ from advertising agencies in that they specialize in a narrower focus or niche. Design firms each have their own style and style. Find ways to get exposure to as many agencies as possible in order to figure out which style fits best for you and so that you will have a wide array of experiences to share with potential employers. Do an internship or even two. Job shadow or volunteer. Just make the effort to get that exposure and show your initiative.

Understand the Industry as a Whole

While finding your niche or specialty is important, those other hands-on experiences won’t be wasted because they will have given you a glimpse into other aspects of the industry and how they function. You’ll also want to read up on the latest innovations in branding from the up and coming stars. Grab trade magazines. Read blogs. Be in the know about the ins and outs of branding and design. This kind of knowledge is what will impress employers. It’s important to have a firm grasp of your field.

Show Them All You Have to Offer

It’s important to be able to show potential employers your design skills and your knowledge of the industry when looking for a job in branding with a graphic design degree, but that’s not all you need to demonstrate. Employers want to hire candidates who come with transferable skills. These include communication, problem solving, critical thinking and interpersonal skills, among others. You’ll want to convince employers that you can present your ideas to clients with enthusiasm and conviction or give examples of times you’ve engaged in successful collaborations with others. Demonstrating transferable skills will definitely put you ahead of your competition when trying to break into the branding industry.

Find a Good Fit

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of types of design agencies, each with its own culture. You’ll want to find one that fits your personality and vision in order to increase your chances of success and job satisfaction. Fit is extremely important in this industry. Be yourself on job interviews, and let your personality shine through. Being authentic will lead you to the job where you will likely thrive, rather than just work.

Breaking into the world of branding can have its challenges. However, if you show your unique skills and personality, along with strong experience and industry knowledge, you’ll greatly increase your odds of getting hired in branding with a graphic design degree.

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