Am I Required to Submit a Graphic Design Graduation Project?

Am I Required to Submit a Graphic Design Graduation Project?

Completing a graphic design graduation project is akin to writing a thesis paper when majoring in a different topic. As part of your last year in the program, this project is the culmination of the time, effort and hard work that you put into the program. It lets you showcase your skills and let professors know what you learned in the program, and many students use that project in their portfolio. Whether or not you complete one of these programs depends on where you attend school.

What is a Graphic Design Graduation Project?

A graphic design graduation project is the last project that you do in your program. Graphic designers work in a number of fields. They work out of their homes, for large companies and for design firms. They build websites for clients, create new packaging for new and existing products and design covers for books and movies. Your final project in the program lets you express yourself. You use a combination of skills you learned in the program to create something that shows your personality and skills.

Types of Projects

Graphic design students have the option to complete any type of project they can imagine. Some students create a mock product and create a marketing campaign around that product. They develop packaging and flyers and posters for that product. Other students use the final project as a chance to design a website for their own personal use or for a family member or friend. Some even create a website that showcases a mock product or serves as a mock up of a popular item. Students can also create brochures and pamphlets that highlight the features of the graphic design program or the school at large.

Importance of a Graduate Project

The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that graphic designers earn a medial salary of $44,150 a year, but designers can earn more or less based on where they live and their level of experience. Those who charge an hourly rate typically earn around $21 an hour. When you first strike out as a graphic designer, potential employers and clients want to know what type of projects you worked on in the past and the skills that you possess. As a recent graduate, you might not have a large number of projects under your belt, but you can use your final project as proof of your experience and skills.

Yes or No?

Not all schools require that students complete a graphic design graduation project. Some schools ask that students develop a portfolio during their last year in the program. The portfolio consists of the projects that you worked on in your classes and any projects that you submitted for grades. A large number of schools now require that graphic design students upload those projects to a server and share their work online, which lets you direct clients and employers to that website later. Take the time to ask your school if you need to complete a project or a portfolio to graduate.

Graphic designers spend time working on solo projects and in small groups. They ask clients questions about what they want and create posters, brochures and other items to meet their needs. You’ll get some experience creating similar projects when you complete a graphic design graduation project or a portfolio in your senior year.

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