How do I Become a Web Designer?

become a web designer

What Does it Take to Become a Web Designer?

Web design has become a cornerstone discipline of the twenty-first century. From user interface design to graphics creation for ads and marketing, the field of web design is dynamic, constantly evolving, and more vital than ever to the success of businesses all over the world.

With a mixture of skills that include programming and arts and design skills, a number of paths to entering the profession exist. With the field of web development growing faster than ever, there’s never been a better time to join this exciting field. Here are three ways to become a web designer.

Independent Instruction

A great number of web designers are self-taught. Web designers who have at least a high school diploma can enter the field of web design with the right skill set, depending on which companies interest them most.

Independent instruction takes place over a wide range of platforms and mediums. Budding web designers may watch video tutorials on platforms like YouTube or Vimeo, listen to audio tutorials or podcasts, read blogs, articles, and books on the subject, or take online classes via platforms like Skillshare, Coursery, or Udemy. Web designers intent on self-teaching should do appropriate research beforehand to plan their course of study and develop a range of skills that are in-demand.

Skills Building Courses

In addition to online platforms that provide instructional courses, web designers may undertake skills building courses within their own communities and not just online. Public library systems often offer skills building courses, including classes in UX/UI design, graphic design, programming in a variety of languages, and much more. Some local labor departments and public assistance agencies also offer classes that train unemployed citizens in in-demand fields, including web design.

Taking local skills building courses is an excellent option for those who either are seeking to switch careers, enhance an existing one, or who may not have the option of attending college to study web design.

Degree Studies

One of the most straightforward methods of entering the field of web design, an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in web design can launch the student promptly into the field dependent on their scholastic performance and specialization. Many web design degree programs also offer concentrations or specializations that allow students to tailor their degree studies to their personal interests within the field, from UX/UI design to graphic design. Students should examine curriculums carefully before choosing a degree program, and explore their financial options with diligence before enrolling in school (including the possibility of earning an associate’s and working for a company that will either pay for or reimburse them for tuition for a bachelor’s degree).

The field of web design is rapidly expanding – and with so many methods of learning and mastering web design, there has never been a better time for those passionate about all things web to jump on board. Whether students choose self-teaching or traditional degree studies, developing the right range of skills can lead to a rewarding career that will last for years to come.

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