What is a Web Design Degree?

web design degree

Web Design Degrees, sometimes called Web Graphic Design Degrees, represent a vast but sometimes misunderstood area of expertise in building websites, webpages, and online content. A Web Design Degree is an invitation to one of the fastest-growing, highest paying careers available with an associate’s degree. Web Graphic Designers are trained to make high-quality, elegant webpages and other internet media, from splash pages to viral videos, for individuals and businesses, and often work hand in hand with advertising agencies and marketing firms. 

What You Can Do With a Web Design Degree

A Web Design Degree is fundamentally based on training the recipient to be a web graphic designer. Within this area, however, are a huge number of jobs, areas of expertise, and employers. Today, almost every business, corporation, and government agency has a need to communicate information to customers and employees over the internet, and web graphic designers specialize in making such information easy to access. While many work for and with one such body exclusively, the majority of web designers are freelancers. After achieving your degree, you might choose to specialize in a particular area of web design, such as HTML or Java-centric design. Furthering your education with a full bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Graphic Design is also a strong possibility, as most colleges allow credits to transfer between the two.

What You Will Learn by Studying Web Design

While we cannot speak to the specifics of every degree program, most programs in web graphic design have these factors in common: in pursuit of their web design degree, students will generally learn a variety of design principles and practical wisdom. They will also learn the mechanics of web design itself, including how to use programming languages like HTML and the intricacies of visual programs like Adobe Creative. Finally, many Web Design Degree programs have classes teaching the ins and outs of basic business negotiations–a deeply necessary area of study for a largely freelance business!

Why You Might Major in Web Design

Web Design is a profitable and highly intellectually stimulating field. In addition to the variety that any creative field naturally brings to the table, web design in particular changes as new technologies come into vogue. Consider this article, in which a prominent web design specialist identifies an incredibly important new trend through adventurous design. If the excitement alone isn’t enough to convince you, there is the fact that web design is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the nation, and the web designer average salary of roughly $65,000 is only expected to increase.

In the coming decade, the world’s need for web designers can only grow exponentially. The vital technical and business skills and treasured creativity a Web Design Degree represents makes it a valuable mark of pride for every recipient of one and marks them as fully deserving of the immense opportunities available to them. If you have a creative streak and an unquenchable desire for excitement in your career, a Degree in Web Design might just be for you.

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