Are Podcasts Helpful for Web Developers?

With podcasts enjoying unprecedented popularity for both entertainment and education, many might be wondering if podcasts are helpful for web developers. The short answer is that they are. Podcasts can inform and entertain web developers of all experience levels and interests. Here are just a few of the ways they can be beneficial.

Hear From Professionals

Podcasts give aspiring (and even established) web developers the chance to hear from a variety of professionals in their field who approach their work in different ways and with different philosophies. This is useful because it exposes web developers to different ways of thinking, which is far more valuable than learning web development from just a select few people. New web developers can grow and learn and develop their own styles by learning about the different approaches others take to it. Podcasts facilitate this especially because many shows have guest appearances, either in special episodes or during every episode.

Constantly Updated With The Newest Information

Podcasts update regularly, usually once every week. This is important for web developers, who work in a profession where the available technology and trends change rather quickly. It is therefore necessary to keep up with changes in the field, and podcasts are helpful for web developers because they provide an excellent avenue of continuing education to that end. Of course, podcasts are not the only source of continuing education and web developers should utilize a wide variety of sources of information about their profession, including books, seminars, blogs, certification courses from various hardware and software manufactures and more.

There Are Podcasts On Specific Topics

Web development is a vast and varied field with a lot of different aspects. Some web developers do it all while others work specifically in back-end or front-end development. The many different programming languages are all important, as are audio, visual and graphic design elements of a website. Unlike a book or a course about web development as a whole, podcasts can get very specific about different areas of the process. In fact, most podcasts try and focus on a specific element in order to stand out from others talking about similar topics. For example, some podcasts will specifically focus on a programming language like JavaScript while others might discuss the aspects of working for oneself as a freelance web developer and the business skills when dealing with clients that are vital for success.

A Solid Resource For Self-Taught Web Developers

While many aspiring web developers choose to get a formal degree, many others do not. A degree is not strictly required to work in this profession according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, although having one can make getting work easier. Self-taught web developers, however, can be very successful if they know their craft well and create solid portfolios of past work. Podcasts are a source of educational information about all aspects of web development as well as more specific topics as outlined above. By listening to podcasts and other sources of information, it is possible for fledgling web developers to embark on a successful career in this profession without a formal education.

In short, podcasts are a great source of information for professionals of all kinds, including web developers. Both established and new web developers can listen to podcasts to learn new things and improve their craft. Podcasts are helpful for web developers working in this growing profession.

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